Monday, March 8, 2010

Oilcloth Bookcover オイルクロスのブックカバー


Carry your book everywhere and anywhere with an oilcloth piecework book cover!
This is just one book cover in a series, this one using Anna Maria Horner`s oilcloth material.
For directions and inspiration, I googled "book cover, tutorial" and came up with many helpful suggestions and ideas. Don`t you love that red velvet rickrack. I`m such a sucker for trimmings.
What`s beneath the beautiful exterior?  A gaijin friendly, large print with furigana version of Natsume Soseki`s Botchan.
米デザイナーのアンナ マリア ホーナーのオイルクロスを使って頑丈なブックカバーを作りました。今度読んでみよう本は外国人と子供に読みやすくしている夏目漱石の坊ちゃんです。

Spring is very rainy and windy this year in Amakusa. I love the yellows and light greens you can find dotting the mountainside.



  1. heh, thanks for the comments. oil cloth is cotton fabric covered with a laminated plastic. basically it makes the material waterproof but still easy to sew. here is a link to a store that sells is. You might be interested, it`s an easy way to make a quick and darling tablecloth.


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